Crisis Solo Placements
1:1, 2:1 or 3:1 support
Some of our service users need help to keep themselves and others safe. Basically, we help them make decisions that do not put themselves and/or others at risk, whilst respecting people’s right to make choices. Our service users often look to us to support them and help them to understand their feelings so they can be managed. |
Issues presented to service users are
- Frustration escalating to anger for no apparent reason
- Upset of having no control of their own destiny
- Lack of understanding of what the future holds for them personally
- Lack of achievement
- Lack of communication skills
- To achieve this we offer a person centred approach based around valuing people;
- Around the clock staffing and support
- Regular visits to family
- Promotion of educational/occupational needs
- Promotion of Leisure and welfare
- Holidays / Excursions